Pros and Cons of Tile Roofing in Palm Beach
Everything you need to know about tile roofing in Palm Beach
A tile roof is a perfect solution for homeowners in the West Palm Beach area looking to replace or upgrade their old shingle roofs. Tile roofs have aesthetic appeal, energy efficiency, Class-A fire rating, and can withstand hurricane-force winds better than other most other roofing products. The majority of tile roofs in Palm Beach come in two types: Clay and Concrete.
Clay Tile
Clay roofing tile come in many types such as Spanish S, barrel, and flat. Spanish S is the most popular choice in Palm Beach County. Clay tile is available in many colors with terracotta being the most popular in South Florida. Clay tiles are more expensive than concrete because they harder to make and install. Clay tiles can last up to thirty years with proper maintenance. Clay tiles also have the benefit of having superior waterproofing capabilities making them impenetrable to water which can help the roof stay free from algae. However, one downside to clay tiles is they are known to break from storm debris or people walking on them.
Concrete Tile
Concrete roofing tiles are much stronger than clay and can last up to fifty years. Concrete roof tiles are available in many colors and styles. A downside to concrete is the color can fade over time and develop algae growth. When this happens, homeowners typically use a pressure washer to clean the roof, which can be a bad idea because it can strip away the waterproofing capabilities as well as fade the color of the roof. We strongly recommend calling a professional roofing contractor to perform maintenance on this type of roof to avoid issues.
Tile Roof Prices
On average, tile roofs in South Florida cost between $4.00 and $15.00 per square foot depending on the product type. It’s best to have a professional roofing contractor inspect your roof and provide you with an accurate quote for the needs of your home.
Although tile roof systems can be more expensive upfront versus shingle roofs, the added benefits of having a longer lifespan and aesthetic appeal make this roof system an excellent choice for homeowners looking to replace their old roof.
Pros and Cons of Tile Roof Systems According to Home Advisor Pro:
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Concrete: $4.00 to $9.00 per square foot
- Pros – Lower cost both per tile and in maintenance, can be made to any shape or color; can be made very light-weight, very long lasting.
- Cons – Will fade with time, can be difficult to install, takes longer to install than asphalt shingles.
Clay: $5.00 to $10.00 per square foot
- Pros – Very attractive especially with Spanish or Italian style architecture, extremely long-lasting, easy maintenance.
- Cons – Heavy (about 8 to 10 pounds per tile), difficult to install correctly, will darken with time which can affect your interior temperatures.
Terracotta: $6.00 to $15.00 per square foot
- Pros –Extremely long-lasting, heat-reflective, won’t change color with time.
- Cons – More expensive than most other tiles, very heavy, difficult to install correctly without proper tools
For more information on tile roof systems or to receive a complimentary project quote, call us today at (561) 571-5556 or click here.